The conductor Ivan Yanakiev (b. Sofia, 1987) graduated from the National Academy of Music, Sofia with major in orchestral conducting (MA). In July 2014, he began a postgraduate PhD programme at the Institute of Art Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His PhD thesis is focused on how the 432 concert pitch and the “open fifth” temperament are affecting the perception of music.
He participated at the conferences: “Art Studies Readins” Sofia 2015, 2016 – with a papers on the subject of piano temperaments (May, 2015) and the history of the concert pitch in the 20th century (April, 2016); Second Congress of the Society for Theory of Music in Moscow Conservatory (25-29 September 2015) with a paper on the Maria Renold’s innovative method for piano temperament; international conference “Balkan Identities” in Skopje
(October 2014), as a part of the project between Bulgarian Academy of Scientes and Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, with a paper “Who owns the song?
Observations of the musician.”.
As a conductor Yanakiev has been guest to Bulgarian “Dianopolis” Chamber Orchestra
(2012), Music Theater “Konstantin Kissimov” (2013, 2014), Sofia “Classics” Orchestra
(2015), and numerous church choirs. He was conductor of the male choir at the Patriarchal Cathedral “St. Alexander Nevsky” (September 2013 – June 2014). In 2013 (March-April) he conducted the male vocal ensemble “The Gregorian Voices” and gave 30 concerts in Germany.